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4 vacancies have been found
Work as a freelance brand ambassador on YoungOnes at Boomtown Festival in Temple Valley
Temple Valley
Between £13.00 and £16.00 Per Hour
8 - 40 hours per week
Download the freelance app to work where you want, when you want. The average hourly rate is between £12 - £16 in Winchester.

Christmas Temp Sales Assistant - London - Full Time over December
Between £10.00 and £12.00 Per Hour
40 hours per week
Sales assistant job in an independent cookware store in West Hampstead. High standards but friendly and positive atmosphere with full training given

Freelance retail staff wanted in London – Earn from £15 per hour!
South London, North London, East London, West London, City of London
Between £15.00 and £25.00 Per Hour
4 - 32 hours per week
Do you want to decide how and where you work? Start now as a freelancer in London and surrounding areas through YoungOnes and experience true freedom!

Freelance retail staff wanted in London – Earn from £15 per hour!
South London, North London, East London, West London, City of London
Between £15.00 and £25.00 Per Hour
4 - 32 hours per week
Do you want to decide how and where you work? Start now as a freelancer in London and surrounding areas through YoungOnes and experience true freedom!