Online customer service jobs
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Ready to show off your helpful nature and strong tech skills in an online customer service job? Both remote work and office jobs in the field are always in demand. YoungCapital has all the best online jobs in customer service to help you launch your career with some of the UK’s top employers. No matter where you’re looking for online support jobs, we’ve got you covered. Register with us to hear about all the newest vacancies, and save all of your favourites to your profile. You’ll have your online customer service job in the bag in no time at all.
What to know about online customer service jobs
More and more customer service work is moving online, as businesses find it more practical than having people in store or on the phone. That means there are heaps of jobs for live chat agents in customer service, across multiple job industries. The job involves communicating with customers online to help them solve their problems and answer their questions. You may have to troubleshoot for them, look up details in their account, or talk them through changing or installing new features, depending on what business or area you work in. One of the most popular jobs in online customer service is chat support. If that sounds like something you want to try your hand at, have a look through the vacancies on this page.
Not a fan of commuting to an office? Have you thought about a home-based customer service job? Remote work is on the rise, thanks to all the online video chat programmes. You can easily complete all the necessary tasks for an online customer service job from home, either from the kitchen table, the sofa, or even your bed. The benefit of a work-from-home job in customer service, other than getting to work in your PJs, is the flexibility of the job. Most people go for a full-time job to earn the max salary and climb the job ladder. But, if you’re not up for a full-on 9-5, you can always get a part-time job in online customer service. You’ll be able to gain some work experience so that you can jump into a full-time online customer service job once you’re ready for it.
The difference between you choosing a full-time or part-time job in online customer service might be the salary, so let us talk you through it. The average salary for a work-from-home online chat job ranges from £20,000 to £22,000 a year, depending on the company you work for. It may be on the lower end when you start out, but you can work your way up to a higher salary over time. A part-time position can fetch you anything from £9.50 to £13 an hour, which is great for those who just need to top up their bank account. Have we piqued your interest yet? Explore this page and all of our other remote and online call centre jobs to find your best match today.
How to find online customer service jobs near me
Wondering where to find the best online customer service jobs in the UK? That’s easy – anywhere. The beauty of remote jobs is that you can do them from anywhere, so no matter where you’re based, you can find a suitable role. There may be some occasional travel involved, but many employers will comp your travel costs. It may be worth looking in some of the bigger cities, as that’s where a larger number of companies will do their business. Have a look at online customer service jobs in London and Manchester, for example, to boost your chances of finding a suitable online customer service job.
Are you a bit confused about how to narrow down your search for an online customer service job? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you through it. Let us show you how to search the YoungCapital way. We’ve created a handy filter to help you narrow down what you’re looking for. You can select your preferences for factors like town or city, education level, type of employment, and distance. You can then sort the page by how recently the vacancy was posted, so you always see the latest jobs first. Ready to find your ideal job in online customer service, either from home or in the office? Get cracking with your search today.
FAQs about online customer service jobs:
Where can I find new online customer service jobs?
When you sign up with YoungCapital, you can set up email alerts to have all the newest online customer service jobs sent straight to your inbox.
When will I hear back about my application for an online customer service job?
We usually get in touch within a week of you applying for an online customer service job, In the meantime, you can track your application in your profile.
Can I get an online customer service job with no experience?
Definitely! When you’re searching, add the keywords ‘no experience’ to see chat support and online customer service jobs that match.
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