How to write a supporting statement + examples

Are you stuck trying to write a supporting statement for a job? That’s why we’ve put together a guide on how to write a supporting statement, including examples. Don’t know what one even is? We’ll also go over that and how long they should be. You’ll become a pro in no time. So, read on to find the ins and outs of supporting statements, examples, and a template. In a rush? Take a look at the key points you don’t want to miss.

What is a supporting statement?

A supporting statement can either be a section in your CV, such as a professional summary, or a document attached to your job application. It’s where you prove to hiring managers that you meet the skills and other criteria listed in the job description. This is done by showing your experience, qualifications, or skills relevant to the position you’re applying for. Supporting statements shouldn’t be confused with cover letters or recommendation letters.

Typically, health, educational, and charity organisations will ask for a separate supporting statement with your job application. This will affect how long your supporting statement can be. In your CV, it should be just a few sentences, but as a separate document, it can be a few paragraphs or more. In this article, you can find examples of both supporting statement types.

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How to write a supporting statement

Wondering how to write a good supporting statement? Let’s go over what to do, step-by-step.

1. Read the job description

It sounds simple, but relating what you’re writing in your supporting statement back to the vacancy description is crucial. So, properly review the job description before starting your supporting statement. There you can find key information about what employers are looking for in candidates, like required skills, experience, and values. Hiring managers will be scanning your supporting statement for these keywords.

2. Describe relevant skills and education

Now that you know what hiring managers are looking for, how do you effectively put this into practice? Start off by briefly introducing yourself, your background, and why your values or goals align with the organisation. Then, go over all your skills and qualifications that are relevant to the role you’re applying for. Make sure you don’t have a one-size-fits-all supporting statement - tailor them to each job application.

3. Provide evidence

So you’ve started by stating you’re a great candidate, but now you need to back it up. Provide clear examples of how you fit the bill. When writing a supporting statement letter, the best way to provide evidence that includes everything you need is by using the STAR technique. This introduces a situation, describes the task you completed, explains the action you took, and what the result was.

Some employers require specific skills or experience, and will even ask you to give examples in your supporting statement of how you’ve displayed them in the past. This is the perfect time to use the STAR method! Keep it short and to the point, though. To see how to use the STAR technique in your attached supporting statement, see the example below.

4. Wrap up your supporting statement

If you’re writing an attached supporting statement, you’ll want to wrap up your letter with a conclusion. Reiterate why you’d make a good fit for the role, as well as your key skills or qualifications. If you’re writing a supporting statement and no cover letter, it’s also a good idea to end on a call to action to tell the employer what you want out of this application.

5. Give it a second pass

This is crucial: go over your supporting statement again, and check that it includes all the information required. Ask yourself if your stated skills and qualifications are what the role requires, if your evidence is compelling, and if your tone is appropriate. Then request friends, family, or colleagues to take a look at it and provide you with feedback. Also, proofread it for any spelling or grammar mistakes, as this can come across as unprofessional. When all that’s said and done, and changes have been made, you’ll have a stellar example of a supporting statement.

5 tips for writing supporting statements

Keep these five tips in mind when writing your supporting statement.

  1. Be specific and clear in your descriptions and examples
  2. Where possible, use concrete examples (e.g. improved efficiency by 20%)
  3. Keep it short and sweet - employers don’t want to spend more than a few minutes reading your statement
  4. Keep the focus on what you achieved, rather than your team
  5. Discuss how your skills and experience benefit the employer and align with their goals

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Supporting statement template

Below is an example of a supporting statement template to use for job applications.

Briefly introduce your background, skills, and experience.
Headings are optional, but are great for breaking up your supporting statement into clear sections, like education, skills, and experience. If needed, use subheadings below this.
Describe a required skill, qualification, or value and give evidence. Follow the how-to section above to fill this in.
Repeat for as many headings and paragraphs as you need.
Wrap up and reiterate key points made in your paragraphs.

Supporting statement examples

Still struggling with how to write a supporting statement? Here are examples of supporting statements for job applications and for CVs.

CV supporting statement example

A CV supporting statement should be around three sentences. This is typically found either at the beginning or end of your CV. Personal pronouns are usually avoided. Below is a job supporting statement example for a retail manager position.

A dedicated and team-oriented individual with three years of experience in the retail industry. The top salesperson at the Hove branch of Bits and Bats, consistently achieving a target of around 120%. Now looking to develop further into management after being 2IC for 9 months.

Attached supporting statement example

A supporting statement with your application can be quite long, ranging from a few paragraphs to a bit more than a page. Below is a supporting statement sample for a social worker position at a charity.

I believe I’m fit for the role of junior social worker for Youth Pathways due to my variety of experience working with others, especially young adults. I’m known for my listening and problem-solving skills, which I feel will be valuable to your organisation’s core mission. I hold a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in social work, from the University of Manchester.
I have always had a keen interest in youth social work, in particular, due to one of my close friends dealing with familial issues growing up. It was my first experience with social work, as I tried my best to help her through these difficult times. While obviously untrained at this point, I was able to be a positive force in her life that helped her develop a healthier mindset and get out of toxic situations.
My time at university taught me how to better understand and help those going through a difficult time. One example from my course that’s stuck with me is when I was tasked to act out a scene with a partner. I was playing the role of the social worker, and had to help an abuse victim open up. I started out friendly, trying to build up trust, and eventually worked up to the harder questions. My professor gave me top marks for my presentation, calling it a ‘very touching and effective performance’.
At the end of my Bachelor’s, I had the opportunity to volunteer for the Charity for Children organisation. My role there was to help with the initial intake of kids into our counselling centre. I got to put the skills and knowledge acquired throughout my degree to the test, interacting directly with troubled children and trying to get an initial overview of their troubles. Many of the kids were grateful after the interview was over; it was a deeply rewarding experience, and I felt as if I was making a difference.
As you can see, I have had many enriching experiences on my journey to becoming a social worker. They’ve allowed me to develop the necessary skills and values that you’re looking for in a Youth Pathways social worker. And, I’m fortunate enough to have had some work experience already under my belt. I believe that I could greatly benefit your organisation if given the chance to become a junior social worker.

Supporting statements: key points

Learning how to write a supporting statement for a job is easier than you might think. All you need to do is:

  1. Thoroughly read the job description, highlighting key skills, experience, and qualifications that are required;
  2. Give a brief introduction;
  3. Write about these requirements in your supporting statement, using the STAR technique to form your examples and evidence;
  4. Give a brief summary;
  5. Proofread and get feedback!

And remember: be specific, clear, and concise. That’s all there is to it! If you want to follow an example supporting statement, just scroll up.

Need some help with other aspects of your job application? We’ve got articles covering interview tips, salary tips, and more. When you’re ready and rearing to go, get your job hunt underway by using our free CV maker to build a professional resume. Then, all that’s left to do is apply for a vacancy.

FAQs about supporting statements

  • What is a supporting statement for a job?

  • A supporting statement is a document or part of a document to prove that you meet the job requirements. It provides descriptive evidence of your experience, skills, values, and/or qualifications.

  • How long should a supporting statement be?

  • That depends on whether you include a supporting statement in your CV or as a separate document. In your CV, it should really only be a few sentences. But as a separate document, it can be over a few paragraphs long. So how many words should a supporting statement be? For CVs: about 50 words. For documents: around 300-500 words.

  • How do you start a supporting statement?

  • Just like any official letter, you’ll need an introduction. The most typical way is to briefly describe your background, skills, and qualifications. Include all the key job requirements here - let the reader get to know you at a glance. Check out how to start your supporting statement with our example.

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